A Polite Notice to Dog Walkers

It has come to our attention that there has been an increase in the number of dog walkers who may not be aware of the rules in place in the Cruickshank Botanic Garden. If you wish to walk your dog in the Botanic Garden you may do so, however, please be advised that the Garden is not a park. If you wish to exercise your dog off the lead the entrance to Seaton Park is 200 metres north of the Garden. For both the dog’s safety, and that of all other users, make sure your dog is always under control and on a lead throughout the property.

We do not wish to discourage dog walkers. However, some key rules to observe in the preservation of the botanic collection for the enjoyment of all visitors are:

  1. Dogs must remain on a lead for the duration of their visit to the Cruickshank Botanic Garden. This applies to all areas of the gardens, including the Arboretum.

  2. Walkers must pick up and appropriately dispose of dog waste. There are bins located just outside the Cruickshank Botanic Garden on St Machar Drive.

  3. We would like dogs to enjoy their time in the Cruickshank Botanic Garden as much as their walkers, however neither party must walk or jump through the flower beds, borders, or ponds. Such action compromises the botanic collection, the work of the garden staff, as well as disturbing local wildlife.

We thank you for your understanding and hope to see you in the gardens soon!


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Summer Gardener Found, Welcome Selena!