We are the Friends of the Cruickshank Botanic Garden in Aberdeen

The most northerly university botanic garden in the UK.

We have been aiding the work of the Garden for over forty years

We are a vibrant community who love plants, horticulture, nature, and talking about it. We exist to support the Garden in different ways and sponsor people into a career in horticulture.

  • Janne Richardson : “A study of the lifecycle of Aesculus hippocastanum and the preparation required to exhibit at the RHS Botanical Art Exhibition”

    Thursday 10th April 2025

    Join us for our next lecture at the Zoology Building, where Janne's journey explores the complexity and beauty of the horse chestnut tree through botanical illustration, focusing on its overwintering sticky buds and rapid growth. After earning a distinction in botanical illustration at RGBE, she developed her project over several years. In 2018, she was selected to exhibit six paintings on Aesculus hippocastanum buds at the RHS London Botanical Art Exhibition. This lecture details her artistic approach and working methods.

  • A short history of the FCBG logo

    We recently had a question about the history of the FCBG logo, and now we’ve got some answers for you!

  • Arboretum

    A Polite Notice to Dog Walkers

    We would like to remind dog walkers of some rules to preserve the enjoyment of the gardens for all users.

We are indebted to a number of individuals who generously allowed their wonderful images of the Garden, its plants and people to be used on this website. Our thanks go to Mark Paterson, Paul Kohn, Eric Kiltie, Andrew Coventry, Dick Morris, Peter Müller, Marion Hart, Annie Stewart, Ken Cox, University of Aberdeen, Joshua Pizzuto-Pomaco, Julie Young, Andy Roberts, Mazz Cummings and Graham Strachan (deceased).